This page is a collection of talks – some of them – which I've presented, in some of the most notorious conferences, helping the audience to study and understand some cybersecurity related topics.
All the information, code and/or tool contained on this page is the result of hours, and hours of researching process, conducted by myself on my spare time, in the hope of contributing to the cybersecurity community. For some supplementary material, please, visit my GitHub.
Codes are available for research purposes only, and I vehemently deny the malicious use, as well as the illegal purpose use, of any information, code and/or tool contained on this page.
If you think there is any information, code and/or tool that should not be here, please, let me know.
- T50 Homecoming – A short tour of its trajectory (15 years' warm-up) (Teaser Video #1, Teaser Video #2), December 14th and 15th, 2024, Hacker to Hacker Conference 21 Years, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Next Evolutionary Step of a DB Scanner (Updated), November 30th to December 1st, 2024, BHack Conference 13ª Edição, Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil.
- Segurança Cibernética: Como Iniciar e Prosperar na Carreira (Recorded), September 25th to 8th, 2024, SENAC Rio Summit 2024, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Inovação em Cibersegurança: Da Inteligência Artificial à Computação Quântica, June 20th, 2023, Security Leaders Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
70s 90s Show, June 15th, 2024, Hacking na Web Day, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Posicionamento da Segurança em uma nova mentalidade de Gestão de Riscos Cibernéticos, October 27th, 2023, Security Leaders Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Novo cenário de ataques cibernéticos: Do Hack and Leak ao comprometimento de credenciais, August 24th, 2023, Security Leaders Recife, Recife, PE – Brazil.
- Novo cenário de ataques cibernéticos: Do Hack and Leak ao comprometimento de credenciais, April 27th, 2023, Security Leaders Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- CyberSegurança: qual a importância dessa tecnologia e o impacto dentro das corporações?, March 28th, 2023, Movimento CyberTech Brasil, On-line Event – Brazil.
- Resiliência, uma vacina contra as ameaças digitais, January 2nd, 2023, Movimento CyberTech Brasil, Interview – Brazil.
- Sabbatical year (recovery from surgery)...
- (PAINEL Virtual) Segurança old school não é #cringe (Nelson Brito & Filipe Balestra), August 26th, 2020, The Developer's Conference 2021 (Trilha de Segurança), On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- (PAINEL) 20 anos em 1 hora, September 26th, 2020, C4 – Cisco CyberSecurity Community Conference Second Edition, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- Next Evolutionary Step of a DB Scanner (Teaser Video, GitHub), September 15th to 18th, 2020, MIND THE SEC, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- LIVESEC – Incidentes de cibersegurança na indústria: como melhorar as defesas para 2021, June 24th, 2020, DARYUS Talks, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- Como começar? (
Recorded), June 27th, 2020, Hackercontro #2, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil. - NIDAVELLIR – Making powerful tool (WEAPONS), June 13th, 2020, C4 – Cisco CyberSecurity Community Conference First Edition, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- Reversing Engineer: Dissecting a "Client Side" Vulnerability in the APT era (Demo Videos, Support Slides, PDF, GitHub), June 8th, 2020, FIAP Cyber Conference 2020, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- NIDAVELLIR – Making powerful tool (WEAPONS) (Recorded), April 11th, 2020, SECURITYCAST LIVE CONFERENCE, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- T50: An epic history of failure and success (PDF), April 9th, 2020, INFOSEC Florida Meetup #2 2020 ONLINE, On-line Event (COVID-19) – Brazil.
- (KEYNOTE) T50: An epic history of failure and success (PDF), November 30th to December 1st, 2019, BHack Conference 2019, Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil.
- NIDAVELLIR – Making powerful tool (WEAPONS), October 26th to 27th, 2019, Hackers to Hackers Conference Sixteenth Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- T50: An epic history of failure and success (Recorded #1, Recorded #2, PDF), November 12th, 2018, SecurityCast Hangout, On-line Event – Brazil.
- NIDAVELLIR – Making powerful tool (WEAPONS) (Recorded, Review by Anchises Moraes), November 10th, 2018, ROADSEC–SP, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Reversing Engineer: Dissecting a "Client Side" Vulnerability in the APT era (Recorded, Demo Videos, Support Slides, PDF, GitHub), October 5th, 2018, Conferência Anual Orientada à Segurança (CAOS) Quarta Edição, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- DoS: From "Galactic Network" to "Service Unavailable" (Teaser Video, Support Slides, PDF), May 25th, 2018, MIND THE SEC SUMMIT, Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil.
- T50: An epic history of failure and success (PDF), May 20th, 2018, Security BSides São Paulo, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- T50: An epic history of failure and success (PDF), May 12th, 2018, ROADSEC–RJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Reverse Engineer: Dissecting a "Client Side" vulnerability in the APT era (PDF, GitHub), March 29th, 2018, Garage Week – BRADESCO, Barueri, SP – Brazil.
- DoS: From "Galactic Network" to "Service Unavailable" (Teaser Video, Support Slides, PDF), December 14th, 2017, Garoa Hacker Clube (Security BSides São Paulo OOB?), São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- DoS: From "Galactic Network" to "Service Unavailable" (Teaser Video, Recorded, Support Slides, PDF), November 11th, 2017, ROADSEC–SP, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- (KEYNOTE) Where is my identity? (Recorded), October 21st to 22nd, 2017, Hackers to Hackers Conference Fourteenth Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- WORMS 2.0: Evolution – From SyFy to "You Die", September 12th to 13th, 2017, MIND THE SEC SÃO PAULO, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Information Security Community, October 22nd to 23rd, 2016, Hackers to Hackers Conference Thirteenth Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: A reverse-engineer horror history (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), October 18th to 20th, 2016, IBM Systems Technical University, Atibaia, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), October 1st, 2016, ROADSEC–RJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Comunidade da Segurança da Informação, September 20th, 2016, ROADSEC PRO – Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Touching the untouchable... (Teaser Video, GitHub), May 11th to 12th, 2016, Security BSides Latam, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), April 24th, 2016, 5ª Academia SSI – ITAÚ, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Touching the untouchable... (Teaser Video, GitHub), October 24th to 25th, 2015, Hackers to Hackers Conference Twelfth Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), July 24th, 2015, The Developer's Conference 2015 (Trilha de Segurança), São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Sabbatical year.
- A client-side vulnerability under the microscope! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), June 22nd to 23rd, 2013, BHack Conference 2013, Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil.
- Touching the untouchable… (Teaser Video, GitHub), May 20th, 2013, You sh0t the Sheriff Seventh Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- What should C-Levels and Managers learn with Reverse Engineers, November 10th to 11th, 2012, Silver Bullet 2nd Edition (Conferência de Segurança), São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), August 31st to September 1st, 2012, VII Workshop de Segurança da Informação – SegInfo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
A client-side vulnerability under the microscope!, June14thto17th, 2012, BHack Conference, Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil.- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), May 6th, 2012, Conferência O Outro Lado Edição 3 – Security BSides São Paulo, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), December 14th, 2011, Garoa Hacker Clube (Turing Clube Especial), São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Inception: Tips and tricks I’ve learned reversing vulnerabilities! (Demo Videos, Support Slides, GitHub), October 29th to 30th, 2011, Hackers to Hackers Conference Eighth Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Permutation Oriented Programming: (Re)searching for alternatives! (Recorded, GitHub), September 3rd to 4th, 2011, Vale Security Conference, São José dos Campos, SP – Brazil.
- ENG++: Permutation Oriented Programming (Recorded, GitHub), August 12th to 13th, 2011, VI Workshop de Segurança da Informação – SegInfo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Exploit Next Generation®: Missão dada é missão cumprida! (GitHub), May 27th to 29th, 2011, PH-Neutral 0x7db, Berlin – Germany.
- Exploit Next Generation®: Missão dada é missão cumprida! (Recorded), April 9th to 10th, 2011, Web Security Forum, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Protocol T50: Five months later... So what? (Original Demo Video, Recorded, GitHub), April 9th to 10th, 2011, Web Security Forum, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- The hangover: A "modern" (?) high performance approach to build an offensive computing tool! (Teaser Video, Original Demo Video, GitHub), November 27th to 28th, 2010, Hackers to Hackers Conference Seventh Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- The Departed: Exploit Next Generation® – The Philosophy (Recorded, GitHub), November 28th to 29th, 2009, Hackers to Hackers Conference Sixth Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Ataques Complexos, April 29th, 2009, Seminário Segurança e Risco – Federação Brasileira de Bancos, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Brincando com IPS – Uma maneira mais simples de contorná-los! (Broken Link), November 24th to 26th, 2006, Hackers to Hackers Conference Third Edition, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Curso de Colisão: Evadindo e iludindo tecnologias Pattern Matching, November 8th, 2006, 8º Simpósio de Segurança e Informática – SSI'06 – Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos, SP – Brazil.
- IPS e ADS: Telecomunicação Segura, April 4th to 6th, 2006, Mostra de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações – Mostra TIC 2006 (SERPRO), Brasília, DF – Brazil.
- IPS sem mistério: Tudo que você queria saber, mas tinha medo de perguntar, November 7th to 8th, 2005, XV Congresso de Auditoria de Sistemas, Segurança da Informação e Governança – CNASI 2005, Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil.
- Worm Messias: A próxima geração de ameaça digital, September 20th to 22nd, 2004, I Congresso de Informática Pública – CONIP 2004, Brasília, DF – Brazil.
- IDS & IPS: A Segurança Preventiva, September 20th to 22th, 2004, I Congresso de Informática Pública – CONIP 2004, Brasília, DF – Brazil.
- Worms: Conheça o inimigo e defenda-se, September 13th to 16th, 2004, XIII Congresso de Auditoria de Sistemas e Segurança da Informação – CNASI 2004, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Nova geração de segurança preemptiva: Saiba como impedir as ameaças da Internet antes que elas afetem seus negócios, September 13th to 16th, 2004, XIII Congresso de Auditoria de Sistemas e Segurança da Informação – CNASI 2004, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Intrusion Detection System’s Concepts, September 2nd to 5th, 2002, VII Conferência Anual sobre o Futuro da Tecnologia da Informação 2002 – Gartner, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Intrusion Detection System’s Concepts, March 25th to 27th, 2002, I Conferência Internacional de Gestão em Segurança da Informação – Security Week 2002, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Política de Segurança, November 6th to 9th, 2001, Criptologia Para Segurança na Internet – Departamento de Ensino de Engenharia de Sistemas do Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Analisando e Auditando LOGs, September 26th to 28th, 2000, IX Congresso de Auditoria de Sistemas e Segurança em Informática – CNASI 2000, São Paulo, SP – Brazil.
- Demonstrando vulnerabilidades do mundo real, August 14th to 18th, 2000, Estágio Básico de Criptologia – Departamento de Ensino de Engenharia de Sistemas do Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Tipos de Vulnerabilidades: De Buffer Overflow a Race Condition, August 14th to 18th, 2000, Estágio Básico de Criptologia – Departamento de Ensino de Engenharia de Sistemas do Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
- Tipos de Vírus, September 2nd, 1999, Secunet Best Practice da Segurança – Vírus e Cases, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil.